Special Terms That Apply to Alliance Referrals
Special Terms That Apply to Alliance Referrals from the
Free File Page of www.IRS.gov
Welcome and thank you for choosing our site to file your taxes. We, as our company FileYourTaxes.com, are very pleased to provide this service to you. You will find that FileYourTaxes.com is an easy to use, user friendly, secure OnLine tax filing system, available anywhere, anytime where the Internet connection is available.
There are certain terms and conditions that apply to taxpayers using our system as part of our FreeTax by FileYourTaxes.com Program and are referred to us by the Free File page on the IRS website. This page generally outlines these terms. We strongly recommend that you read this page to determine the applicability and the extent of the free service available to you.
The offer and limitations pertain to the Federal filing processes and state returns returns filed to the states of Alabama, Montana, Rhode Island, and West Virginia. Additions of a fee based state return, when available, will still allow the eFiling of a free Federal return and free filing of the state returns that are eligible for the free offer. The details are provided below. Filing of prior year returns is not available in the free file program.
FileYourTaxes.com is a member of the Free File Alliance, Inc. (FFA), formed to partner with the IRS to donate free tax return construction/preparation and eFiling services to American taxpayers. Each member of the Alliance selects the criteria by which these services will be provided on their own site. FileYourTaxes.com selected to offer services to those taxpayers, with an Adjusted Gross Income between $8,500 and $84,000, and the age of 64 or younger at the end of the tax year, residing anywhere in the United States. Those who have a Form W-2 showing income from active or reserve duty are eligible too.
All offers stated above are further limited by the Free File Program Adjusted Gross Income limit of $79,000 for all offers. Other than those stated we have no other limitations such as professions, credit qualifications, etc. in the use of our system’s tax software capabilities. In this regard, you can use our existing system to its fullest. FileYourTaxes.com also offers free Federal Extensions to File (Form 4868) construction and eFiling. These extensions are separate filings from the income tax return filings. Therefore, qualification for the free return does not automatically qualify a taxpayer for a free extension filing, or the other way around. Taxpayers, wishing to use the free services for extensions and returns must arrive on our landing page from the IRS’ Free File page independently, first time for each (return or extension). Those taxpayers tagged for a free return will not be automatically considered to be tagged for a free extension. Likewise, those taxpayers who are tagged for a free extension will not be automatically considered to be tagged for a free return. We provide professional level software that will accommodate complex returns as well as simple short ones. The document outlining our capabilities and limitations, including the list of supported forms may be viewed at: If you are eligible to use the system, there are no requirements to provide promotional codes, rebate documents, etc. to get your free return.
We have a well-developed, automated eMail system that utilizes our proprietary Secure Messaging product. This system automatically informs the taxpayer of the disposition of their return based on information provided by the IRS Acknowledgment files, as well as answers to some commonly asked questions. If the return is rejected, instructions are included as to what needs to be done to cure the reject. Further, our proprietary Automated eMail Response System enables our computers to “read” and provide answers to the submitted eMails. This level of Automated Customer Service is provided at no charge for all users.
We communicate with you via eMail. Therefore, you must provide an accurate and valid eMail address to us. This eMail address will also be provided to the Government. Additionally, you must make certain that your eMail service will receive eMails from our domain, FileYourTaxes.com. For this reason, you must make the required adjustments to your eMail system, such as your filters, blocks, spam detectors, etc. and you must be set up to receive messages from us (for example taxman@FileYourTaxes.com). It is your responsibility to allow this communication. All of the communication we send will be text based. If you receive any communication, bearing an address, even including our domain, and also containing an attachment, DO NOT open such an attachment.
The arithmetic calculation accuracy of the System is warranted by us to the extent that, if you are subjected to penalty or interest due to the calculation inaccuracy of the System, we will pay you the assessed interest and penalty, but not the increase in the amount of tax, resulting from the calculation inaccuracy of the System. The amounts will be limited to those stated when the IRS first provides notice to the taxpayer. Prior to our payment to you, we reserve the right to fully investigate the basis for the assessment, and you must provide all the necessary and requested information, authorization for us to obtain such information and/or documents pertinent to this assessment, to our satisfaction. Arithmetic calculation is defined as and limited to the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of numbers in the tax return, and lookup tables as prescribed by the tax jurisdictions for the same return. Due to the fact that we are not providing you tax advice or preparation assistance, and we have not inspected or verified the source, form or content of the information you are inputting; we will have no other responsibility pertaining to Government audits, tax increases, penalties, interests, assessments, or any other obligations arising from your tax preparation and filing. Further, we do not guarantee that your return(s) and or submissions will be accepted, and not rejected by the Government. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is provided.
Rejected FFA returns may be submitted for retransmission OnLine without our intervention, once. You will also be able to print a copy of the return at no charge. You will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software from www.adobe.com in order to download and print tax forms.
Please note that if registration or a return has been started originally through entry modes other than the specific IRS-Free File (Alliance) link, reentering through the IRS-Free File port later will not allow free services as outlined above. If the taxpayer is not referred to us via the specific IRS-Free File link and during the same session initiate return or extension entry process, that return or extension if started in any other manner will not qualify as free. Please note that FileYourTaxes.com may be linked through other IRS site pages, such as the Partners page, that will not result in the free service. The taxpayer will be allowed to return to irs.gov at any point where a disqualification or fee assessment will occur for an otherwise presumably prequalified free return.
Once referred by the specified IRS page, you will arrive at our Free File Alliance Landing page indicating that you were referred to us via a qualifying link for potentially a free process. If you do not land on this page, you definitely will not qualify if you commenced the registration process otherwise. FileYourTaxes.com cannot reverse the character of a return from being a fee based return to a free return.
Returns can be started on one day and yet finished on another. Once a selection is properly started and registered as a Free File selection by using the links on the Free File Landing Page, you can enter the system through any gateway including the Free File Landing Page.
You may also file a state return at the same time you are filing a Federal return. Unless the state return is listed as offered for free and you meet the terms of the free offer, there will be a fee for construction/preparation of a state return. If you do file a state return for a fee, there will not be an additional fee for a qualifying Free File Federal return, and yet both the Federal and state filings will be considered to be paid returns and there will be no additional fee required for customer service.
Upon completion of all of the data entry process, an “invoicing” will be provided on the payment page. This is the point at which the final determination of eligibility will be reported to you. You will also have the option to return to the IRS website from there. Further, at this point, you will be offered a listing and the cost of the current and additional services you may purchase, if applicable. The purchase of any additional service is not required. As a matter of fact, you are not even required to continue the process. You may choose not to continue with the process at any point and leave the system by closing your browser page. Subsequently, the system may send you an automated courtesy eMail regarding the existence of an incomplete process and tell you that the file will be removed after a certain period of time if you take no action. The action required will be specified in that eMail if you need to continue with the process. If you do not qualify for the free service, and still need to continue, you may pay for the service and convert it to a fee based return.
It is not anticipated that the criteria of eligibility for the free service will change during the tax season. However, if a change occurs, those who have properly registered with the system as free eFilers prior to the change will have their free service right(s) maintained, even if they would not qualify under the new criteria.
FileYourTaxes.com may be the only remaining, truly OnLine company that participated in the original Internal Revenue Service OnLine Pilot program and has built this rapidly growing business specifically for the OnLine filer, rather than hastily modifying an existing product. We do not lease, purchase or otherwise acquire any part of our tax software from another entity. We are platform independent, which means that virtually any computer with a current browser that has connectivity to the Internet can use our system. In our growth and design, we are cognizant of the needs of all users. Therefore, our pages are virtually all html text based and can easily be translated and/or read for the purposes of individuals with special needs. All of our development, processes and facilities are maintained within the United States and no taxpayer data is shared with any other country.
Concurrent with the technical superiority of FileYourTaxes.com, we are very concerned and vigilant in protecting the privacy of taxpayer data, be it financial or demographic in nature. Both the physical and electronic security is continuously enforced. We adhere to the IRC 7216 regarding sale of fee-based products and services not related to tax preparation. At this time, no such products can be included if only the free return is completed and eFiled. We are a certified participant of the TrustGuard® Privacy Program and our site is secured by a Godaddy® SSL certificate. Our credit card process security has been independently verified by McAfee SECURE. Screen “time-out” feature is added for the security of your session, if unattended for a period of time. In all cases, the original registration for a free selection will be honored.
You may find further information via the following link
The system was developed for taxpayers like you in mind and we continuously improve it. Please share your thoughts with us and let us know to how we may serve you better. We look forward to serving you, your family, friends, and associates now and in the future with all OnLine filing needs whether they are for personal or business tax eFilings.